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Repair Facilities

In our business, repair facilities are often your biggest critics but for Proguard they are more frequently our biggest fans. Why? Because they see firsthand how we take care of claims, working quickly to get them approved and help source hard-to-find parts so they can get to work on the vehicle.

Understanding the critical role repair facilities play in creating customer satisfaction, we offer our customers access to a nationwide network of trusted repair facilities that we know will perform repairs correctly, as promised and on time.

No matter where you are, we can recommend a Proguard Select facility to take care of you and your vehicle. While you are free to use any repair facility you choose, Proguard Select shops have been vetted by Proguard to deliver quality workmanship without any surprises thrown at you. Working together, we can get you back on the road in record time and that’s something to brag about!
